This Is One Reason I Don’t Like Some Republicans

So the Oklahoma Legislature, which is controlled by Republicans, voted again this year to put a bunch of restrictions on the legal procedure of abortion. Governor Henry (a Democrat) vetoed one of those measures, which require an invasive ultrasound of a pregnant woman, without her consent. The Legislature grunted out a veto override.

A couple observations:

Any of those legislators that railed against the recent Federal health care reform measure, especially invoking the “bureaucrats getting between the patient and the doctor”, are utter and complete hypocrits. And, they are rapists, by proxy.

The measure requires that an invasive ultrasound be used, not just an external ultrasound. So here, we have the ultimate rape by proxy: the State requiring pregnant women to have medical devices inserted into their vaginas against their will. Every single legislator that voted for this in any way is a rapist by proxy. Rape is the forced insertion of ANYTHING into a womans vagina against her will. This measure demands rape. It’s horrifying. What makes it worse is that it’s largely supported by so-called conservatives that supposedly value individual liberty. Where are the tea party people that are so against the intrusion of the government into our lives? Into this most private parts of our lives?

I have sent emails to both my legislative and senate representatives to see if they voted for this odious bill in any form. If they did, they have lost my vote.

There are times I really do not like my state. The Republicans, and any Democrats that supported this, need to be voted OUT.

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One Response to “This Is One Reason I Don’t Like Some Republicans”

  1. Bill Hensley Says:

    A judge in Oklahoma has enjoined this law from being implemented. That judge (the news report I have here says the judge is a woman) has a lot more sense than the misogynists in the Oklahoma Legislature.

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